
Workplace Wellness for the ad & design industries


I’m Jenn Maples, a functional nutritionist and health coach in the Seattle area, although you might know me from my days working as a senior copywriter at ad agencies and design firms around town. After years of non-stop advertising agency stress (and all the crazy deadlines, last-minute travel and constant pressure that comes with it), I got really sick. I developed a range of health issues from food sensitivities and extreme bloating to SIBO, chronic fatigue, mono and hypothyroidism. That’s when I switched gears and pursued a career in health and nutrition. Now I’m partnering with companies around Seattle to improve employee wellness—and reduce health care costs for employers.

Chronic stress in the workplace effects 65% of employees. And when it’s combined with poor lifestyle habits, that number increases exponentially, leading to higher health care costs (upwards of $200 billion annually), increased burnout, increased sick days and lower productivity — not to mention really grumpy employees.

That’s where I come in. 

I help employees create healthier habits for the long-term whether they want to lose weight, de-stress, boost energy or just want to understand the latest health trends. And because I believe that nutrition should be fun, my 6-month employee wellness programs, called Healthy Happy Hour include interactive and educational talks paired with healthy (non-alcoholic) shots, small group challenges designed to embrace real, whole foods and personalized nutrition consultations to help employees stay accountable as they work toward their health goals.

Healthy Happy Hour Programs


Tier 1

Series of six 30-minute educational and interactive talks designed for groups of up to 20 employees, held once per month and paired with healthy shots related to each topic*, including:

  • A Happier, Less Stressed-Out You - paired with stress-busting shot

  • 4 Tips for Making Healthy Habits Stick - paired with better-for-you electrolyte shot

  • Top 10 Good Mood Foods - paired with energizing matcha latte shot

  • Bloated, Tired and Foggy (What Your Body is Really Saying) - paired with probiotic kombucha shot

  • Breaking the Sugar Addiction Cycle - paired with Bulletproof coffee shot with MCT oil

  • 5 Nutrition Myths, Busted - paired with digestion-boosting ACV shot

*New topics and healthy shots added regularly!


Tier 2

Series of six 30-minute educational and interactive talks designed for groups of up to 20 employees, held once per month and paired with healthy shots related to each topic (described above).


One Real Food Challenge workshop for up to 10 participants that includes 5 weeks of nutrition education with a 21-day whole food challenge built in, all designed to reset your metabolism and help you learn which foods you should be eating to feel your best. Sixty-minute classes are held once per week for 5 weeks total, on-site during lunch.


Tier 3

Series of six 30-minute educational and interactive talks designed for groups of up to 20 employees, held once per month and paired with healthy shots related to each topic (described above).


One Real Food Challenge workshop for up to 10 participants that includes 5 weeks of nutrition education with a 21-day whole food challenge built in, all designed to reset your metabolism and help you learn which foods you should be eating to feel your best. Sixty-minute classes are held once per week for 5 weeks total, on-site during lunch.


Up to twenty personalized 30-minute nutrition consultations held on-site or virtually.


Healthier employees are happier employees.

Fill out the form below to learn more about my program. I typically reply within 48 hours (be sure to check your spam filter).